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//script pulito ' // Helper function to calculate the number of days passed ' function daysPassed(startDate) { ' const currentDate = new Date().getTime(); ' const differenceMs = currentDate - startDate; ' return differenceMs / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); // Convert milliseconds to days ' } ' // Cookie management functions ' function setCookie(name, value, days) { ' const date = new Date(); ' date.setTime(date.getTime() + days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); ' document.cookie = `${name}=${value};expires=${date.toUTCString()};path=/;SameSite=Strict`; ' } ' function getCookie(name) { ' const cookies = document.cookie.split('; '); ' for (let cookie of cookies) { ' const [key, value] = cookie.split('='); ' if (key === name) return value; ' } ' return null; ' } ' // Function to send data using Beacon or Fetch ' function sendData(visitorId) { ' const apiUrl = visitorId ' ? `https://europe-west6-ea-cloud-333613.cloudfunctions.net/fire-counter/up/${encodeURIComponent(visitorId)}` ' : `https://europe-west6-ea-cloud-333613.cloudfunctions.net/fire-counter/up`; ' const sendViaFetch = (url) => { ' fetch(url, { ' method: 'POST', ' headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }, ' body: '' ' }) ' .then(response => { ' if (response.ok) { ' console.log('API call successful with Fetch:', url); ' } else { ' console.error('API call failed with Fetch.'); ' } ' }) ' .catch(error => { ' console.error('Network error with Fetch:', error); ' }); ' }; ' if (navigator.sendBeacon) { ' const success = navigator.sendBeacon(apiUrl, new Blob([], { type: 'text/plain' })); ' if (success) { ' console.log('API call successful with Beacon:', apiUrl); ' } else { ' console.warn('Beacon failed, using Fetch as fallback.'); ' sendViaFetch(apiUrl); ' } ' } else { ' console.warn('Beacon not supported, using Fetch as fallback.'); ' sendViaFetch(apiUrl); ' } ' } ' // Obfuscated keys for localStorage and cookies ' const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY = 'x7dHJkU93b'; // Obfuscated key for visitorId ' const LOCAL_STORAGE_TIMESTAMP_KEY = 'a7GkQpZ90l'; // Obfuscated key for timestamp ' const COOKIE_NAME = 'v7dT9Jk3p'; // Obfuscated name for the cookie ' // Check localStorage for visitorId and its timestamp ' const storedVisitorId = localStorage.getItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY); ' const storedTimestamp = localStorage.getItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_TIMESTAMP_KEY); ' if (storedVisitorId && storedTimestamp && daysPassed(Number(storedTimestamp)) < 10) { ' console.log("Valid visitorId found:", storedVisitorId); ' // Update the cookie with the current visitorId ' setCookie(COOKIE_NAME, storedVisitorId, 10); ' // Send data using the existing visitorId ' sendData(storedVisitorId); ' } else { ' // Initialize FingerprintJS ' const scriptUrl = `${window.location.origin}/QTtYk6AOiNpWbmdx/jnwMlwfA18ll2US2?apiKey=kft07OWcYl1GPlkf0OTv`; ' const dynamicEndpoint = `${window.location.origin}/QTtYk6AOiNpWbmdx/zYU1XPwp9AekYP6D?region=eu`; ' import(scriptUrl) ' .then(FingerprintJS => FingerprintJS.load({ ' endpoint: [dynamicEndpoint, FingerprintJS.defaultEndpoint], ' region: "eu" ' })) ' .then(fp => fp.get()) ' .then(result => { ' const visitorId = result.visitorId; ' const currentTimestamp = new Date().getTime(); ' // Store the visitorId and timestamp in localStorage ' localStorage.setItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, visitorId); ' localStorage.setItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_TIMESTAMP_KEY, currentTimestamp.toString()); ' // Create a cookie with the visitorId ' setCookie(COOKIE_NAME, visitorId, 10); ' console.log("New visitorId generated and saved:", visitorId); ' // Send data using the new visitorId ' sendData(visitorId); ' }) ' .catch(error => { ' console.error("Error loading FingerprintJS or generating visitorId:", error); ' }); ' }